Credits | |||||
There are many people I have to thank for making this page and my other pages possible. The following list is just the ones who made a great contribution to the page, or just the ones that I can remember ^_~. For links to the most important sites that I learned from or am linked to, see the banners on the Front Page, or the Featured link | |||||
I got a lot of my pictures from the Alt.Binaries.Pictures.Sailor-moon newsgroup, as well as alot of info. And although I may have been kill-filed by some for my views on hentai, I still owe a dept of gratitude to all its posters- even the ones that killed me ~_~! Although they can't read any of my posts, or see any of my great pics, I can still see theirs, take their pics, and learn from their experience. Thank you ABPSM!! And Lewarx, Even though I'll never be as good as you are, I'm still trying... |
The Sailormoon Organization. It has tons of pictures (most on my site are from here) and articles about web-page authoring. It also has lots of sound clips and movies, although you have to become a Library Card holder to see them (relax! it's free!). They also host a couple of Sailormoon sites , but you have to be one of the best on the web in order to get a domain name from them. |
I got many many High-quality screenshots here of characters that I couldn't find anywhere else. This is one of the best Screenshot pages I've ever seen. And, it has tons and tons of villain pics!! Thank you Thankyou Thankyou!!!!! ^_^! |
Thank you Mom and Dad for putting up with me always being on the phone-line and staying up at all hours (with the light on) to learn how to write this page. And thank you my little neko-chan Stimey for being so cute and sweet and annoying, and for never failing to stick your nose in the middle of my face whenever I cry. >^_^< |